Updated: Dec 2023
Hello, everyone! I’m Kevin, my earlier mission for this blog was to help demystify finance and investing for a select few friends and family and today I’m thrilled to see that most dearest to me are all actively investing. 🎉🎉🎉
Over time, this website has transformed into a post-FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) wealth-building journal. Here, I not only express my thoughts on the markets but also document my journey towards building a perpetual income-generating dividend portfolio. Additionally, I aspire to achieve a net worth of $10 million one day.
Balance is key in life so please understand that I rarely update this page! 🌴😎🍸

About Me
- Myers Briggs personality type. INTJ
- My favorite food. EVERYTHING PLEASE. I love trying things I never tried.
- My favorite current game. Overwatch
- What are the weirdest jobs you ever had. Sea cucumber factory at about age 19. Working here was a major wake up call in life.
- Your favorite pet. A rescue dog Maltese, Coco. My first pet ever.
- Your favorite quote if you had to choose only one. “You can’t direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails.”
- Where were you born? Korea
- Highest education. Some High School.
- What are your hobbies? Reading and learning!
- If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? Nothing! Everything bad that happened to me in life taught me some of the most valuable lessons.
- What’s your favorite holiday? I love them all but Christmas and New Years are likely in front of the line.
- What is the best part of reaching financial independence? Having options to do whatever you like with your time.
Hmmm… Can’t think of anything for now. More to come later! 🤠
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