Dividend Portfolio Update for October 2024
I started this portfolio with a clear goal, to generate passive dividend income. What began as a modest $50,000 investment has grown to about $440,000 today. That’s a 42% compound annual growth rate (CAGR)!
In the early days, my goal was simple, I wanted enough income from dividends to cover my grocery expenses. I initially aimed for a steady flow of income, and the portfolio delivered. It surpassed $10,000 in annual dividend income and now sits around $17,000. That’s approximately $1,400 in monthly income! Well above what I spend on groceries each month!
So, I decided to ease up on aggressively pursuing income growth and shifted my portfolio’s focus toward the Q’s. While they offer a smaller yield, I’m optimistic many companies inside the Q’s may provide a healthy dividend growth rate as they begin to mature. We shall see!
Let’s get this update on the record!
Buys and Sells

- Net contributions to portfolio this month: $8,699.80
- Purchased 3 shares of the QQQ’s this month standing at 124/500.
Pass Go Collect Dividends!

- Total divies received for the month: $1,554.26
- Yoy change: 64.6%
Portfolio Snapshot

- Projected annual dividend is up 12.5% yoy.
- YTD Dividend income: $14,595.97

One more to go folks! 🤠